A Human male named Anakin Skywalker was born in the Tatooine-class world on the outer rim. Then, as a Jedi Knight, he served the Galactic Republic, and later, as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, the Galactic Empire. According to Jedi prophecy, Skywalker was “The Chosen One” and would restore harmony to the Force. Following the Battle of Geonosis, Skywalker secretly wed Padmé Amidala, a senator from Naboo. Skywalker had minimal interaction with Padmé as the battle dragged on, but he frequently came into contact with her, which led Obi-Wan and Skywalker’s padawan, Ahsoka Tano, to be suspicious of him.
As the battle concluded, Skywalker received the wonderful news that he would soon become a father when Padmé revealed she was expecting their first child. When Skywalker started having nightmares about his wife dying during labour, this delight turned to grief. He became aware of Darth Sidious’s manipulation after being haunted by the memory of his mother being killed by Tusken Raiders and his desire to shield those he loved. As a result, he turned to the Dark Side of the Force. As Emperor Palpatine’s enforcer, he went on to become the personification of evil and terror for many years, until his son Luke Skywalker brought about his ultimate redemption.
Shmi Skywalker’s son Anakin worked as Watto’s slave on the planet Tatooine. Watto was a male Toydarian junk dealer and human trafficker. After learning that Anakin Skywalker had no biological father and doing a midi-chlorian count, Qui Gon Jinn convinced everybody present, including the Jedi Council, that the boy was the one who had been chosen. A Jedi prophesy stated that a being would be sent to restore the balance of the force, and the chosen one was a part of that prophecy.
When Qui Gon arrived on Tatooine in a damaged ship in need of repairs, he was able to glimpse the force-sensitive boy’s potential because of his exceptional mechanical and problem-solving abilities. The youthful Anakin created his pod racer and constructed the robot C-3P0. Qui Gon’s interrogation also brought up the issue of whether Anakin was aware of his talents. Qui Gon was convinced he could train the youngster after Anakin showed his ability to foresee events. With Watto, Qui Gon made a bet that if Anakin won the race, he would be liberated and given the components he needed to repair his spacecraft.
Sebulba, a male Dug who sabotaged Anakin’s pod before the races out of dread for the young Skywalker, was Anakin’s most difficult opponent in the pod races. Only a few moments before the race, Qui Gon gave Anakin his first training. Qui Gon, who could sense the little boy’s turmoil, advised Anakin to follow his instincts and feel rather than think. Sebulba’s sabatoge worked for Anakin at the start of the race. However, he used his sharp problem-solving abilities to turn the race’s momentum. After thrillingly winning the race in the last few seconds, Anakin was informed by Qui Gon that he could not release Shmi and that he would instead undergo Jedi Knight training. To accompany Qui Gon on his now-repaired ship, Anakin left his mother behind.